Caya Therapists
alphabetical by first name
Ali Ross
Existential psychotherapist
Alice Best
Psychosexual and Relationship therapist
Alistair Semmence
Integrative trainee psychotherapist
Ann Yong
Transpersonal counsellor
Beth Phelps
Person-centred Psychotherapeutic Counsellor
Bridget Hargreave
Integrative counsellor and supervisor
Brigitta Anderson
Humanistic psychotherapist
Carol Boland
Integrative psychotherapist
Caz Day
Gestalt and Group psychotherapist
Charlie Riddington
Integrative therapist
Cydney Dunbavin-Hands
Drama and Movement psychotherapist
Daisy Marsh
Psychodynamic psychotherapist
Ellie Blatchley
Integrative arts psychotherapist and counsellor
Elizabeth Noble
Person-Centred psychotherapeutic counsellor, coach and supervisor
Emilia McIntyre
Pychodynamic psychotherapeutic counsellor
Emma Downie
Existential psychotherapist
Emma Hinkson
Existential psychotherapist
Helena Belgrave
Integrative counselling psychologist
Ilaira Calussi
Integrative Psychotherapist
Inam Mirza
Jasmin Khan
Integrative therapist and psychotherapeutic counsellor
Jess Queree
Gestalt trainee psychotherapist
Jesse Fraser
Integrative therapist
Josephine Odufuwa
Psychodynamic therapist
Kate Moore
Integrative psychotherapist
Katherine Watt
Person-Centred counsellor
Katy Cotterell
Art psychotherapist
Kirsten Halliday
Child, Young Person & Family Psychodynamic psychotherapist
Lucas Whitworth
Integrative psychotherapist
Luisa Savoia
Integrative psychotherapist
Lynsey Hotchkies
Pluralistic counsellor & psychotherapist
Maria De Stefano
Gestalt psychotherapist
Matt Beale-Collins
Transpersonal psychotherapeutic counsellor
Megan Lamming
Integrative and Relational counsellor
Melissa Baxter
Family & Systemic psychotherapist and supervisior
Millie Gentle
Person-Centred counsellor
Monika Loewy
Psychodynamic therapist
Natasha Sackey
Movement psychotherapist
Olia Naprasnikova
Gestalt psychotherapeutic counsellor
Pamela Hudson
Integrative Arts psychotherapist and counsellor
Patrick Gibson
Existential psychotherapist
Paula Leomine
Creative arts psychotherapist
Peter Reynolds
Integrative counsellor
Prem Soobul
Systemic psychotherapist
Rachel Bloggs
Integrative psychotherapist
Rachel Diment
Speech and Language Therapist
Richard Cobden
Integrative counsellor and psychotherapist
Sarah Cavaliere
Integrative therapist
Sheryl Emmons
Person-Centred Counsellor
Simon Fliegner
Gestalt psychotherapist
Siobhan Maguire-Swartz
Humanistic psychotherapist & counsellor
Stefan Alban Kraus
Integrative psychotherapist
Stella Taiwo
Play Therapist, Creative Therapist, and Clinical Supervisor
Steve Young
Counselling psychologist & integrative therapist
Suiki Morgan
Psychodynamic psychotherapist
Susannah Baker-Smith
Existential psychotherapist
Taline Schubach
Art Therapist
Vicki Power
Integrative therapist
Victoria Kirby
Integrative & IFS psychotherapist, specialising in sex and relationships
Will Black
Integrative psychotherapist
Will Hardy
Integrative counsellor and psychotherapist